Comprehensive Curriculum For Gifted Learners

This is the most comprehensive and most practical book on this subject. It examines the total process of K-12 curriculum development, including planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating the curriculum with a strong emphasis on the district and classroom levels of planning. Each issue is translated into specific curriculum examples that are found at the conclusion of each chapter. And, because gifted children are more likely to be integrated into general education programs today, the book consistently focuses on gifted education in relationship to general education. Provides cutting-edge ideas for teaching language arts, sciences, social studies, and mathematics, plus a range of strategies in less traditional areas such as thinking skills and the arts and humanities. New to this edition is a chapter on learning and cognition, an expanded chapter on teaching strategies, content chapters that provide up-to-date issues related to general curriculum reform, and a new leadership chapter. Curriculum coordinators, teachers, and administrators in gifted education classrooms and schools. A Longwood Professional Book.
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