Anonymous Toil: A Re-Evaluation of the American Radical Novel in the Twentieth Century

In this book the author explores the radical novel in the United States which has been identified with the writings produced during the early part of the twentieth century by writers associated with socialist and communist ideologies, whose productions advocated the overthrow of the capitalist system. Contents: The Tradition of Literary Radicalism; Conditions of the Radical Novel in the Twentieth Century: Social Inequality; The Appearance of the Modern Artist/Intellectual; The New Periodicals; Socialism; Proletarian Literature; World War I; The Russian Influence; "The Inferiority of the Radical Novel"; Some Exits; The Depression; Bourgeois Literary Theory; Dismissal of the Radical Novel; The Reunification of the Radical Novel; An Alternative Reality; Reading and the Twentieth-Century Radical Novel: A Pedagogy; Bibliography; Index.
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