Spy Thatcher

Those in the Know have long known about - and kept frantically quiet about - Jesmond Barker, the Man Beneath the Cork-Fringed Hat.
Barker the barking mad obsessive (but how else to survive in the paranoid world of MI5 or 6). Barker, probably the only man to spend a day crouched in under-desk surveillance as the Wright denunciations were actually being penned.
'Jezebel' Barker who felt the rough edge of Anthony Blunt's tongue - probing his deaf ear. Who might have heard Lord Mountbatten planning a military coup except that he fell out of the cupboard at the wrong moment...
Fearless investigative journalist William Rushton stumbled across Barker on the floor of a drinking club in Soho's Filth Street. A confused and embittered figure (Barker), he was fianlly persuaded that it was his patriotic duty to go public, name names, earn large sums of money, set the record straight etc etc.
A satirical parody of Peter Wright's 'Spy Catcher'
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