DiFiore's Atlas of Histology With Functional Correlations

This atlas's distinctive, full-color, schematic illustrations have earned lasting renown for superb explanation of basic histology concepts. This edition includes 120 newly improved illustrations; an additional nine micrographs; and a new chapter on cell biology. The atlas presents its hallmark magnification of the minutia of organ and tissue structures to show the functions of microscopic structures and how functions work. Part One explains tissues and their relationship to their systems; Part Two addresses organs in a similar way. A brand-new electronic supplement now allows students to practice identifying structures in micrographs using a "labels on/labels off" toggle, "hotspots" (a mark on an image indicating the presence of a hidden label, ideal for self testing), and a self-test for productive learning. An instructor's version of the image bank is also available, which includes an additional 600 images not found in the book.
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