Exploring Human Sexuality: Making Healthy Decisions

Exploring Human Sexuality presents a unifying theme of physical and psychological sexual health that encourages students to think critically and make healthy decisions within a framework that integrates physiological, psychological, emotional, and social aspects of sexuality. McAnulty and Burnette take a scholarly, research-oriented approach while presenting the material within a "friendly advisor" framework, highlighting health issues and diversity. Students are challenged to critically analyze and apply information to their own lives.
Highlights of the Second Edition:
* Includes new coverage of sexuality around the world, family's influence on sexuality, and religion.
* Did You Know? features include interesting statistics and thought-provoking comments on hot topics and cross-cultural differences.
* In Your Own Words features highlight current college students discussing some aspect of sexuality in their own lives.
* Reflect on This features challenge students to apply what they have read to themselves or assess their thinking on particular topics.
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