The Big Book of Bugs

by J. Jean Robertson


Why do bees make honey? How do spiders spin their webs? Which is the smartest bug? Its question like these keep you or your child up at night, this book on the creepy-crawly world of minibeasts is for you!

The Big Book of Bugs is loaded with all the facts, figues, and lore any kid (or kid-at-heart) could ever want to know about bugs. And it's fun!

This colorful, creatively illustrated volume, with in-depth explorations of bugs habitats and habits, gives you access to the various and entertaining ways in which bugs and people affect each other's lives.

And its all done in the most user-friendly was possible

Twenty 3-D illustrations paired together with the 3-d glasses

Over 575 color illustrations and photographs

Pages and pages of profiles and close-up examinations of all kinds of bugs

Answers to all the most common (and uncommon) questions about bugs

Facts about bugs

Quizzes that test your bug knowledge

Dozens of animal-friendly activities and experiements that kids can do at home