Love Is a Family

Roma Downey, star of the heartwarming television series Touched by an Angel, has a beautiful message for all families. "Sometimes I wish I had sisters, or a dad who lived with me, or at least a brother or something! "said Lily. "I know, " said Mama. "Sometimes I wish that, too. But most of the time our little family feels just right to me. Love is what makes a family, and we've got plenty of that." Irrepressible young Lily loves her mother dearly. But when it's time for Family Fun Night at her school, she worries...and worries. What will the other kids think when she just brings her mother? Will they be the strangest family there? But when they arrive at Family Fun Night, Lily sees all her friends having fun with their families -- of every shape, size, and-color. She learns that there are as many ways of showing love as there are stars in the sky. In this enchanting, beautifully illustrated story, beloved actress Roma Downey shows children that family should not be defined by mother, father, and child, but by love.
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