Man Hunt - The Eric Rudolph Story

by Kathleen Walls


Kathleen Walls presents an in-depth look into the 5-year manhunt for Eric Rudolph, the accused bomber of the Atlantic Olympic Games and several abortion clinics. Rudolph, a simple mountain man, eluded the best that the government could throw at him during the most publicized manhunt in recent history. In the end, a young local policeman from the area where Rudolph lived was the one who captured him. Ms. Walls lives within a stone's throw of where Rudolph was eventually captured. She has interviewed local people who knew Rudolph as he was growing up and thereby provides as close a look at the inner workings of his mind as anyone can possibly do. Man Hunt is a must read book for anyone who is familiar with the Eric Rudolph story-and that includes almost everyone who is a living breathing person who watches the news channels or reads the newspapers. Reviewed by Kristie Leigh Maguire, published author