The Magus of Strovolus : The Extraordinary World of a Spiritual Healer

Synopsis Markides combines the scepticism of a trained sociologist with the passion of a disciple to explore the inner world and beliefs of the Magus of Strovolos, Cyprus's 'leading spiritualist of the netherworld'. The Magus reveals the value of a personal philosophy, drawing on many sources including Christianity, the Kabbala, Sufism and Hinduism. He speaks of spiritual healing, the nature of reality, the multiple planes of existence, reincarnation and karma, and offers numerous incredibly insightful interpretations of the proverbs and stories of the Bible. A relevatory read. Table Of Table of contents The Magus of Strovolos Author's Note 1. The Magus of Strovolos 2. Exorcising the Nazi Spirits 3. Elementals 4. The Authenticity of Experience 5. Karma 6. Memories 7. From Death to Rebirth 8. Encountering the Logos 9. Cosmology 10. The Guardians of Planet Earth 11. Tales of Possession 12. Healing 13. Materialization and Dematerialization 14. Afterthoughts Glossary
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