Widening the Circle: The Practice And Evaluation of Family Group Conferencing With Children, Youths, and Their Families

Social workers have repeatedly witnessed what happens to children and young persons when they grow up without support and protection, limits and opportunities, and pride in themselves and their heritage. We must take them seriously as individuals, and to consider carefully where and with whom they live, study, work, and have fun. Family group conferencing (FCG) is an increasingly popular intervention with social workers worldwide that emphasizes the strengths and potentialities of families, community organizations and public agencies in resolving issues that confront family members. Widening the Circle examines and analyzes FGC principles and how they promote the three pathways to protecting children, youths, and their families-family leadership, cultural safety, and community partnerships. Based on the authors extensive experience in the United States and Canada, the practices presented apply primarily in child welfare, but also extend into juvenile justice and domestic violence. In this well-written and clearly organized volume, Pennell and Anderson and their collaborators have given the social work profession an important text that will enrich the work of practitioners, researchers, and students faced with the challenges of helping families in contemporary society. Also Developing a Sense of A Workbook of Tenets & Tactics for Adolescent Girls - ISBN 0871013665
Women at Life Experiences and Implications for the Helping Professions - ISBN 0871013517 NASW Press NASW Press, a division of National Association of Social Workers (NASW), is a leading scholarly press in the social sciences. We serve faculty, practitioners, agencies, libraries, clinicians, and researchers throughout the United States and abroad. Known for attracting expert authors, the NASW Press delivers professional information to hundreds of thousands of readers through its scholarly journals, books, and reference works. Some of the areas we publish in -Social work in the field of aging
-Models of social work
-Social work with children and adolescents
-Ethics in social work
-Community organization
-Professional development
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