Heeling the Canine Within : A Dog Self-Help Companion to 10 Stupid Things Dogs Do to Mess Up Their Lives

by Liane Leshne



At last the book that dogs have begged for--a guide to unleashing your full canine potential and honing your competitive edge. Max and Scooter provide both inspiration and expert guidance to help dogs of all persuasions

¸  Break the cycle of passive-aggressive chewing
¸  Confront feelings of mixed-breed inadequacy
¸  Stop burying the past (and digging it up again)
¸  Apply the principles of power sniffing
¸  Master the seven habits of highly successful dogs
¸  Avoid tennis-ball dependency
¸  Overcome the Lassie complex
¸  Resist owner-inflicted cross-dressing
¸  Promote heavy petting
¸  Read your owner like a book

. . . and much more to help you become top canine in a dog-eat-dog world!